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O God, My King

By John Santaferraro

· Kingdom,YEHOVAH,Poetry

You, O YEHOVAH, are ruler of heaven and earth.
I bow before you in humble submission,
ready to move when you say move,
desiring to do your will.

King of kings, O God, my King,
so high above the earth,
You rise above the highest height,
Your majesty shining like the summer sun.
The glory of your kingship covering all the earth,
the trains of your kingly robe flow down all around me.

Humbled, to my knees I fall,
trembling I wait, silent I stay.

You are the Almighty King, the great warrior King,
the exalted King, the commander King,
the merciful King, the glorious King.
You are the King of justice and the King of honor,
the King of power and the King of grace,
the King of love and the King of laughter.

O God, my King, commander of a thousand angel armies,
shout from your throne with a voice of victory;
give the command, speak the word,
shout with a voice of triumph.
Let darkness flee at the sound of your voice.
Let forces be thrust back, evey backward,
until they fall into the pit you've prepared.

Give your command, shout the orders
for your angel armies to bring heaven to earth for your beloved,
for those who call you by name and honor you.

Breathe, Almighty King, breath the breath of heaven into your people;
let them delight in knowing you, in doing your will.
Fill them with delight, fill them with desire,
desire to carry out your plans and your purpose.
Let your kingdom rise all around them.

Let your kingdom come, O God my King,
let it rain down from heaven in torrential rain.
Open the floodgates of heaven and pour it out.
Let your kingdom come, O God my King.