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SENT - Listening


May 3, 2020

Every ten days during SENT, we will pause to take some time to listen.

In Psalm 46:10, the LORD, YEHOVAH says…

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Silence is a time to stop everything and focus our attention on the Almighty God whose throne is higher than any other. As you approach His throne, do so with humility and expectation that Go will speak.

Even Jesus would pull away to be alone with the Father. He would spend time alone partially to pray. It seems certain that Jesus’ prayers included listening to the Father to get instructions on what He was to do next. He often slipped away from the noise of daily life to tune His ear to listen to the Father moment by moment.

One of the most powerful exercises during SENT is listening to see what the Father has to say to us. Remember, when He instructs us to do something, we can go and do it with all the authority of the kingdom of God. In addition, getting instructions from the Father aligns us with what He is doing. If He is doing something, it will have His power behind it. Finally, we can be certain that if God speaks it, it is already done. God spoke the world into existence, and He continues to bring heaven to earth through what He speaks to His children. Let’s listen.

Your assignment today is simple. Take your journal with you, find a quiet place, and spend 60 minutes listening to what God might have to say to you. Do this with expectation because God loves to speak to His children.

During your listening time, God might take you to certain places in the Bible where He wants you to abide. He might give you visions or dreams. He might show you signs. Be on the alert to anything He might bring to you. Also, whatever you think might be God’s voice or vision, write it down. Don’t worry whether you know for sure if it is God. God can confirm it later, and He will. If God leads you to certain verses in the Bible, write those out in full. You will want to look back when we are done.

Hopefully, listening will become a habit for you by the end of this 40 days. You will have two more chances to do this in coming days. Each time, you will listen for a little longer Don’t worry, there is no right or wrong way to do this. The most important part of listening is simply giving God space to speak to you.