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SENT - Solitude


· SENT,Kingdom,Solitude,Silence,Listen

Every ten days during SENT, we pause to take some time to listen. This time, I would encourage you to find some time alone, as well.

When Jesus would pull away to be with the Father, He would do it alone. He would spend time alone so there would be no distractions. He wanted to make sure He heard what the Father was saying to Him.

During the 40 days before Jesus ascension into heaven, the disciples were listening carefully. I would not be surprised if each of them took time alone to process what Jesus was saying. Based on Jesus words to Peter and John, it also seems that He has specific words and specific assignments for each of the disciples.

Today, and for the next ten days, let’s make a shift. Let’s start being intentional about receiving instructions from the Father on what He has next for us. In order to focus on the Father’s assignments, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and coming of God’s kingdom in power, He may also be asking us to end some previous assignments.

The Spirit can also give us guidance regarding some of our involvements that need to end, because He was never in them. Even good things will be removed by the Father, so you can focus on His invitation to build the kingdom. It is okay to let go, to allow good things to end.

Silence is a time to stop everything and focus our attention on the Almighty God whose throne is higher than any other. As you approach His throne, do so with humility and expectation that Go will speak.

Solitude is time with God alone to eliminate any distractions. What a privilege to be alone with the King of Kings on His throne. As you spend time alone with God, let it be intimate, personal, private, and powerful, as He guides your time.

Pslam 62:5 says…

“My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him.”

David command his own soul to wait in silence for God alone. He knew that He didn’t need anyone else. His hope was in God alone. His home was from God alone.

As you listen, remember that when God instructs us to do something, we can go and do it with all the authority of the kingdom of God. In addition, getting instructions from the Father aligns us with what He is doing. If He is doing something, it will have His power behind it. Finally, we can be certain that if God speaks it, it is already done. God spoke the world into existence, and He continues to bring heaven to earth through what He speaks to His children. Let’s listen.

Your assignment today is simple. Take your journal with you, find a quiet place by yourself, and spend 90 minutes listening to what God might have to say to you. Do this with expectation because God loves to speak to His children. He is waiting for you now.