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By John Santaferraro

· SHALOM,Peace


SHALOM is an orchestra, not just a melody. 

It never plays solo. 

Drums beat to keep me in step with peace. 

A violin speaks tranquility over me. 

The cello plays rest to my soul. 

Timpani drums pound out sounds of protection,

Provision on the way.

Trombones play a melody of health,

Healing to my bones.

Trumpets sound the cry of victory;

SHALOM SHALOM, perfect peace. 

All around me, the opus plays.

The sound of rain, poured out provision;

A thunderous clap, the power of peace;

The movement builds, crescendo come.

Cicadas singing arias, the heart of the King;

The wind playing out the mysteries of heaven.

A white horse rider declaring His piece,

SHALOM, SHALOM has come.


"The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You." - Isaiah 26:3

Or in my more literal translation, "You will place your covering and filling of perfect peace over and in those who have a built a framework of trust in their minds, because that framework always leads them to trust in You as the first order of business."