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Take Me to the Heavens


· Poetry,Peace,Holy Spirit,Heaven

My feet touch earth,

the souls tread ground and grass,

never to be planted,

step after weary step,

heal and toe,

tied to this life, this labor.


Yet suddenly lifted from my humble gait,

flying on eagles wings,

soaring to heights not seen,

mountain peaks below my gaze,

clouds and sky left behind.

I fly to place unknown,

realms not named,

but called the heavenly place.


No man has seen,

no ear has heard,

the tongues of angels,

prose of heavenly princes,

poetry of peace,

praises of angelic voices.

Always with the voice of the Father,

singing over His precious sons

and daughters adored.


Home at last,

I hear my name

called among many,

Heard by only one, only me.

Spoken seranade, sweet melody,

songs of delight;

felt more than heard

deep within my heart.


Carried by the hymns of angels,

I enter a sacred place,

Sheets of satin blowing in the wind,

grazing my face,

reminding me I am awake.

No dreams.

Awaiting the greatness of the King to appear.


A whisper in my heart

bids me come;

Come and see.

Come and be,

where words give way to light,

where thoughts lay down

on shores' peaceful waves,

and gentle wind.


A moment of fear,

the covering of face;

Uncertainty in awe,

Greatness never perceived.

The wiping away of every lie,

the bold, eternal truth,

in the hands of the Father.

Fear fades to solemn still,

restful reminders of home,

a home far away;

a home always sought,

I am home.


I am home,

in this heavenly place,

where peace does reign,

and truth does light

the way of life,

away from death,

only here with Him.

The earth is not my home, you see,

tis only dust

and mist

and sea,

a dark and shadowed image,

of what was meant to be.


So take me to the heavens now,

bring heaven here to me.

This is where my heart belongs,

with heaven's scent,

and glory's song.


This is where I'm meant to be,

citizen of heaven's gate,

by Jesus' blood,

His righteous fate;

with Spirit's power

and God so great.


So stand I now,

I lay me down,

beside the stream,

from God's pure heart.

I am home.